This is the time of year where everyone sees January as an opportunity for a refresh or restart and normally makes some huge unobtainable goal for themselves and after a few weeks gives up and goes back to doing what they were doing before. Well, this year instead of making resolutions that will ultimately fail I have instead decided to take baby steps to my resolutions this year. The key to any successes within making goals and plans is to sit down and map out exactly how you plan on achieving those goals and plans so here are my goals and how I am planning on reaching them!
This year instead of wanting to completely change myself (the whole new year, new me thing) I have decided that after years of self demoralizing I finally am happy within myself so I don't need a radical change. That being said there are some things I want to get better at and pick back up again that I have done at one time or another.
The first thing I want to reach for this year is to become healthier. I was the happiest I have ever been with my mind body and spirit two years ago when I was on a journey to becoming healthy and I want to bring that feeling back. I am going to slowly transition myself back into the clean eating lifestyle because I really enjoyed it and I felt overall SO much better and had so much more energy then. I feel that the key to success with this plan is consistency. Now that I have a full time desk job and I don't work in retail anymore I have been able to fall into a routine which is exactly the key to keeping up with anything food related. I am going to meal prep twice a week, once on Sunday and once probably on Wednesday and plan out my meals ahead of time. Now this isn't to say that if someone invites me over to dinner I will pass them up because I know from experience of doing this last time that the biggest thing is to not restrict yourself. Will I turn down the bad desserts always? No, but that is what makes doing this so much healthier for you in the long run because it is sustainable when you allow yourself to have off days and special occasions. I want to be able to feel like what I am putting into my body is nourishing it and helping my body to become stronger and healthier!
The next thing I want to strive to do this year is to get active again. I want to get back into going to Pure Barre and keeping it consistent. I absolutely love Pure Barre and any chance I get I always rave about it to anyone who has never heard about it and I felt that I was the fittest I had ever been when I was regularly going to Pure Barre. This again is going to be made possible because I now financially am in a position to be able to go back again and make Pure Barre a part of my routine and that honestly makes me such a happy person!
One of my biggest hopes for this year is to not only become healthier in my eating but also in my skin care. Becoming a consultant for Beautycounter in December I wanted a way to ensure that everything I was doing was healthier and better for me including my skincare. I want to make sure that my skin gets some attention to because I want to be able to look and feel amazing on the inside and on the outside! Beautycounter has already opened so many doors for me and I can't wait to see where my business journey takes me this year!
Overall I want to improve my mind and body and by getting myself into healthier habits I know it will lift my energy and my self confidence and happiness back up to where I want it to be. What are some of your new years resolutions and how do you plan on sticking by them? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy New Year loves
xoxo Jess